Gloria McKinnon has been embroidering since the age of 8. As children, she, her brothers and sister were not allowed to say that they were bored as long as there was gardening to be done. To avoid gardening, Gloria asked her mother and aunt to teach her to embroider flowers--an instant garden that grew in her own hands. And so began a long love affair with needle and thread, ribbons and braids, and things of delicate beauty. In 1976, Gloria opened the now internationally famous Anne’s Glory Box in Newcastle, Australia. From this platform, together with her friend and store manager Fay King, she enabled students the world over to develop her love of needlework. Gloria has traveled to speak and teach at seminars across Australia, America, New Zealand, and England. Gloria has a wonderful series of 12 Anne’s Glory Box books which have been reprinted several times. These books cover a full range of needlework skills. Her beautiful embellishments and embroideries inspire students to create pieces that are beyond their imaginings. Her talent for teaching and fun sense of humor make her classes a joy to attend.